The Jesus Prayer

Prayer is an essential part of faith. It is how we communicate with God and grow our relationship with him. The act of prayer may begin with a desire to have our own personal needs met but it soon evolves into an intimate conversation with a loving father. The conversation and being in the presence of God becomes the real blessing and not the meeting of your own needs, for being in the presence of God meets our deepest needs.

I know the importance of prayer, but it is something I struggle with. When I try to pray, my mind assaults me with questions that bring me to a halt. Am I worthy to speak to God? Does God care what I have to say? Is it selfish to ask God for what I need? Often, I quit praying because I become filled with the feeling that I am talking to a brick wall. Maybe nothing is out there and I’m talking to nothing.

Recently, I read a book titled The Way of a Pilgrim written by an anonymous 19th-century Russian peasant. It chronicles the author’s journey to different Russian Orthodox monasteries to find individuals to teach him how to pray. Through his interactions with different monks, he learns the Jesus prayer. My own discovery of the Jesus prayer through reading the words of the author has helped me considerably in my prayer life and I think it can help you to.

1. Finding a Place of Prayer

The first step of the Jesus prayer is to find a quiet place to be alone. It can be in your bedroom, your office, or your backyard if it is quiet, and no one is around. It doesn’t even have to be in your home. To ensure your quiet is not interrupted, tell those you live with you need a specific amount of time undisturbed. It can also be helpful to turn off your phone for the amount of time you intend to pray.

2. Getting in the Right Position

After finding a place of solitude, the next step of the Jesus prayer is to get into the right position. First, find somewhere to comfortably sit. Somewhere you will not be assailed by everyday aches and pains. Once sitting comfortably, place your chin on your chest as if you’re looking at your heart as the heart is the metaphorical seat of our innermost being, and then close your eyes. Chin on chest, start to deep breathe, inhaling deeply and slowly exhaling.

3. Saying the Prayer

As your deep breathing, begin to pray in tune with your breathing. Inhaling, repeat, Lord Jesus Christ, and exhaling repeat, have mercy on me. There are many variations in the prayer such as Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner, or even repeating the name Jesus. It does not matter the exact words as long as it matches your breathing. White saying the prayer, picture your heart is floating before you beating in concert with the words of the prayer. This is to acknowledge the act of placing your total being within God’s hands.

4. How the Prayer has Helped Me

The prayer has helped me in numerous ways. During the times when I lack the words to pray, the Jesus prayer has provided them even if the words are few. Using only a few words can leave room for God to speak which is an act of humility. Repeating the prayer brings me into a state of calm, often leading me to break into spontaneous prayer on a more intimate level. This state of calm also quiets many of my anxieties. The negative voices in my mind seem to fade away.

8 thoughts on “The Jesus Prayer”

  1. Michael, thank you so much. I feel like you, many times I seem to wonder into my own wants and needs instead of praising the Lord for all the times he had carried me through hardships. He has done so much for me.

  2. Michael, I love the visual of placing your total being in God’s hands. What a safe, secure and loving feeling from God that gives me. Thank you, Michael. I love you every day.,

  3. Michael, you nailed exactly how I feel when I attempt to prayer. Many times it is a source of frustration instead of the foundation of a relationship. I appreciate that you have provided the ‘easy button’ so to speak. I am going to give it a try.
    I love you more than words.

  4. Michael, it’s amazing that your post today is about prayer. For a while now, I’ve been struggling in my prayer life. When I pray I begin to feel unworthy and selfish, which makes me question all my words and I tend to quit. This Jesus prayer seems like a great way to refocus and “get back to the basics”. Thanks 💜

  5. Thank you Michael. I know that Paul in Philippians instructs us to pray about anything and unceasingly, yet it’s tough when you’re as distracted as I can be… like I seriously need Ritalin. The advice about the peasant Christ follower is timeless.

  6. Michael, your wisdom and insight always provide me with a new perspective. Ironically, just this morning I was reading something about Job. I’m far from being a theologian, but my interpretation was that although Job’s prayers were challenging to God, God loved the fact that Job was still praying. This just reinforces the importance of prayer, much like what you have described.

  7. Thanks Michael, I especially connected with # 4, How the Prayer has Helped Me.
    I know I speak for many when I say, thank you for making the time to share your thoughts with us in your blog. Love and appreciate you Michael.

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