Journey Through Pain

There is an image in the Bible of Job after all has been taken away from him. He is sitting under the shade of a large tree and is covered in festering boils. The boils painfully itch, so Job takes a shard of pottery and scraps the boils, releasing pus and slime from the open wounds in his flesh. Though it may sound dramatic or exaggerated, this image captures the pain and suffering I have experienced over the past several months. I have been through the same physical hell that Job was experiencing under the shadow of that tree.

For the last six months, I have been severely ill. It felt like I was looking death in the face. I really did fear for my life. My stomach was in excruciating pain. Daily, my stomach had severe cramping making it difficult to eat or drink anything other than chicken broth or water. If I tried to eat anything different, I would become painfully nauseous and feel like I was about to vomit. Laying down would make the pain far worse—almost unbearable. The cramping would get so bad it would radiate to my lower back causing it to cramp too.

Far scarier than the stomach pain was the horrible fatigue. I would get so tired from doing simple things like chewing, showering, or writing that I would have to recline in my wheelchair with my BiPap machine and take a three-hour nap. When I woke up, the fatigue would remain. Worse, when I would go to bed for the night, I would sleep for twenty hours. It almost felt like I was coming in and out of a coma.

Thank God the suffering eventually came to an end. With the adjustment of some meds and added nutrition through my gastric tube my fatigue has disappeared, and my stomach pain is under control. Experiencing such suffering, you would think I would be bitter, but I am not. Scripture teaches that suffering can teach you and can help you grow in character. It can help you become a better human being if you let it. So, what exactly did I learn from this?

I learned how powerful a support system I have in my parents. Without them, I would have withered away to nothing. They were always by my side and sacrificed their time and energy to fulfill my needs. Even when I would lash out in frustration at my situation, they continued to care for me with love and tenderness. Their gentle and constant care provided me with just enough strength to patiently endure until we could figure out what was wrong with me.

Their support has inspired me to try and offer the same support to my friends and family. I want to serve them and put aside my own needs to satisfy the needs of others. I want to treat others the way my parents treated me—the same way Jesus treated others when he walked the earth.

25 thoughts on “Journey Through Pain”

      1. Michael-

        Thank you for including me in your journal. I share these passages with my wife and we marvel at the courageous man and Christ follower you are.

  1. Michael – as always, thank you for sharing your life stories. Hate to hear you experiencing such pain but your strength, spirit, and appreciation for life is inspiring. And, your parents are special people, as you are a special son. Look forward to finally meeting you at the end of this month!

    1. Karen McFarland

      Love reading your posts Michael. So sorry about this pain but glad it is lessened. You speak from the heart and it is beautiful to read.

  2. Michael:
    I’m so thankful that you have some relief. You speak of your family’s support and I see how you show each other the way to provide that support. As always your faith guides you and helps you find the kindness and goodness in every situation. I don’t know if you’ll ever understand or recognize the gifts you provide to all who cross your path. I’m grateful that I am one of those who has been able to witness your strength. I love you!

  3. Hey Michael, I’ve never personally met you but I am hoping and praying the Lord brings about film healing to your body and accomplishes a mighty work in your inner man throughout this process. Be blessed. Glad to hear you’re doing better than before. Life can come to a screeching halt at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways. Stay strong.

  4. Michael, thanks for sharing on such a personal level. This is very timely in a world that is desperate for encouragement that can put some real hope in their life.

    1. Eloquent, beautiful, poignant, heartfelt, powerful…I had to read this several times to finish it because of the tears in my eyes.

      One day, if fate allows, I hope our paths cross.

      I had a terrible illness, and told my therapist that I just hoped that God decided whether to send me forward to be judged, or back to a place where the pain stopped.

      She was transferred, but came back, saw me, and said “You lucky SOB!”

      “Lucky?” I replied back to her with some sarcasm.

      She said: “Do you know how many people ask God for help, and don’t get an answer? You are so blessed that he answered you when so many of us are clueless about our lives. He obviously needs you to do something for

      I knew your parents in high school, and as great as they are, they raised an even greater human being…a sttaight-up mensch!

      Thank you for writing such a fantabulous piece.

      God Bless Us, Everyone!

    2. And dude, just the Bi-pap machine is a nightmare. I have one, and people always say C-Pap…heck no, my apnea is worse than that, fools!

  5. Michael
    Thank you for sharing. I know you have people from around the world praying for you. Our prayers have been heard and I am
    so thankful you are feeling better. You have more strength in your little finger than most of us have in our entire bodies. Your heart is pure and for those of us that are lucky enough to know you and spend time with you our lives are enriched and we are better people because of you. You don’t have to try to be that person for others. You have been that your whole life
    Love you buddy

  6. Jane Brzezinski

    Happy to hear you are feeling better!
    Great reminder of Romans 5:3-5.
    You are blessed with parents who love you very much. And you inspire us to live a life striving to be more Christ-like. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Michael, I am truly sorry to hear that you have had another extensive journey with pain. You handle it all, yet again, with such insightful inspiration. You and your wonderful parents continue to be in my prayers.

  8. You are a first-class writer.
    You are a first-class thinker.

    I especially admire your concision.
    General, then two term President US Grant, was a master of concision like you.

  9. Michael, I am so sorry to hear of this. I wish we lived closer. I’m sending love your way, Mom and Dad are so amazing and their love for their family is the greatest gift they can give.. Your cousins and I are thinking of you . Love you..

  10. Saddened to hear of your struggle but thankful it’s being managed. I have always loved and respected your parents. Thankful that you all are a part of my life. Continued prayers♥️

  11. Michael, you have strength infused with humility. May God’s peace wash over you and your family as you journey through your profound and meaningful life.

  12. Hey Michael – glad to hear you are feeling better. You truly are a blessing to all. Thank you for sharing your stories. May Gob continue to bless you

  13. Anthony Decroce

    I commend you for your courage how you’re not using your disability to have pity on yourself. You’re a real blessing God bless you and may the Lord strengthen you to do his work and you’re calling on your life.

  14. Michael, I always read, reflect, and then reflect more on your writings. I’m glad you are feeling better. You have always been full of courage. Thanks for sharing your writings as they are so meaningful. Love you Michael

  15. Your strength, faith, and character is incredible Michael. The vulnerability in your writing and your experiences leads one to be introspective. You serve others in your words and actions. God bless.

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